Showcase Your Property

Showcase Your Home

A huge part of a successful marketing campaign is to make it LOOK like you really want to sell your property, and that it’s one of the best properties for sale in South Birmingham or Solihull. A few methods adopted by you can make that little difference for one of our agents to sell your property at the best price. Below are some key attributes that you could consider and make a part of your Manny Klarico marketing journey.


Without light, we can’t show anything! It’s highly recommended that curtains have been drawn and that all the lights are working and turned of if required.


Strange, but it’s like a car wash. We want the property to shine, and simple actions like cleaning window sills and kitchen worktops can make all the difference.


Essentially, we want to show off the space your home has. The more clutter in the form of clothing, toys and similar items will congest the rooms and should be neatly tucked away.


We recommend removing your vehicles from the drive, to allow your property to make an impression. It’s like they say, first impressions could be the one they remember the most. It also gives the buyers an opportunity to park their own car on the drive to get that feel.


This could mean several things, but more importantly refers to presenting your property as the perfect family home. Making up the beds, ensuring cushions are in the right place and general furniture is in place will make the property feel like a home.


Bad odours such as smells from smoking, could divert attention and make it difficult for buyers to connect to the property. Having some windows open and perhaps some air fresheners could add that final touch.


The last thing we want is for buyers to be shivering inside what could be their perfect home. Especially during winter, it’s a good idea to keep the property at warm temperatures. A cold house could raise energy efficiency concerns, although the EPC Will take care of that.

Qualified Agents

The world of estate agency and lettings does not require one to be qualified. Although being qualified by experience adds value, having the assurance of dealing with a qualified agency adds the final piece of mind. Here at Manny Klarico, we are registered members of Propertymark. 

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