Making the Switch: Changing Estate Agents in Birmingham – How to Choose Wisely

Choosing the right estate agent in Birmingham is key to you being happy when you come to selling your home.

Moving home is a stressful time, and we won’t lie – it can be hectic. There are so many things to do, so many plans to make, and then there’s the number crunching to do.

It can be a tough time, even though you know that at the end of it you’ll be starting a new chapter in a new home with your family.

One of the key things to do is to choose the right estate agent at the start of the process. Sometimes though you may need to switch estate agents because you’re simply not happy with the estate agent you initially chose.

This is not the best position to find yourself in! So, here are our top five tips to help you choose the right team to sell your property.

1. Why Change Estate Agent?

So, you think you need to change the estate agent who is selling your property? You may well be right, but take time to think carefully about why you want to change and make sure it’s for the right reasons.

Ask yourself the following:

  • What is it that makes you want to change?
  • Are you being patient?
  • Have you spoken with your agent, or are they oblivious to your thoughts and feelings?
  • If you have had that conversation, have they tried to rectify things?
  • Have they failed to attract viewings?
  • Have you got unrealistic expectations?
  • Do they communicate regularly with you?

Top Tip: Before changing agent, you should always speak with your current agent to satisfy yourself that there is nothing more they can do for you. Changing agents can be done, but make sure it’s for the right reasons. Make lists of the pros and cons and consider very carefully.

2. Check Your Paperwork

This is crucial, and we can’t stress this enough. You may be unhappy with your current estate agency and want to change, but the agreement you signed up to may prevent you from doing this immediately, or it may come at a cost.

You may be tied into an agreement whereby the estate agent is the sole agency allowed to sell your property during a specific period. This sole agency clause will mean that you can’t instruct another estate agent during that period. It might also mean that you are tied into an agent for a specific time and will need to be patient.

You may be able to break the agreement if you pay a fee, as some agents do charge a fee even if they don’t sell your property.

Top Tip: Make sure you read the paperwork and are happy with it, including the small print, or at least are aware of it and its implications, before you sign it!

3. Take Your Time

When you have decided to move, it’s easy to get carried away with things – after all, it can be an exciting time.

But, slow down. Take the time to choose the right estate agent for you. And, this is the case whether you’re choosing an estate agent for the first time or are wanting to switch.

Do some research about your intended agent.

  • Search online to see what others think of them.
  • Look at their reviews.
  • Are they friendly and approachable?
  • Do they have good knowledge of the local area?
  • Are they prominent in the local community?
  • How well do they market themselves and their properties?

Top Tip: In an online world, customers leave reviews all over the place – on websites, social media and Google! Use these as part of your decision when choosing an estate agent in Birmingham.

4. The Right Agency for You

You will find several estate agents in Birmingham all of whom operate in different ways, but who all should have the same objective – to sell your home!

At Manny Klarico we may not be the cheapest, nor the largest agency, but we will always do our absolute best for you, and we believe that our local knowledge and expertise counts for a lot! We want to make sure that we are the right fit for you. We will ensure you feel comfortable with our team and of course, we will market your property effectively so that you get the offer you deserve.

5. Making the Switch

If you do make the decision to switch estate agent, check your contract as a priority, so you are aware of any potential issues. Then, when you’ve chosen your new agent, be upfront and clear with them and explain why you’ve changed, as this will help them going forward.

We will be delighted to act for you and use our experience and skill to help you sell your property. Give us a call or email [email protected] and we’ll get the conversation started.